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What we have done (publishable activities with specific clients)


Ecenter designed marketing and sales strategy for an IT company’s expansion to Slovakia.

Dutch wood products manufacturer

The engagement consited of providing crisis and interim management assistance. Ecenter completely changed management of the organization, developed complex planning process, built complex time and cost budgeting tool. We developed and implanted quality control system which reduced quality issues and reduced quality related costs to less than 6% of the pre-ECENTER engagement. Our client accomplished on-time delivery for the first time in 36 months while significantly reducing input costs.

eLanders, Haix, ItaloSuisse, Dutch individual investor

Ecenter provided assistance in finding business partners based on pre-defined criteria, including detailed screening of the best prospects, company research and assessment, firms financial status assessment and research, due diligence, deal negotiations, facility purchase negotiations and company acquisition negotiations.


In 2002 ECENTER provided SAMSUNG Austria with research results showing enormous potential for the company in Slovakia. Only 2 years later Samsung opened its new facility in Slovakia and is extending its presence in the country.


Ecenter delivered a cultural orientation program for ex-pat coming to Slovakia. Ecenter provided business consulting services in streamlining financial management issues and assessing options for improving personnel performance.

Johnson Wales University

Ecenter prepared a presentation on business environment in Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland.


Ecenter trained expats on cultural and social aspects of doing business
in Slovakia.

Federation of Employers’ Associations of the Slovak Republic

Ecenter prepared an analysis of and recommendations for improvements in the Slovak Tax System, Social Security, and Healthcare Insurance programs. Complex analysis of the systems with suggestions for improvements. Ecenter performed complex analysis of 50 various business segments in Slovakia and space for improvements in education segment within the wide spectrum of business sectors. Ecenter prepared a review of slovak industry to identify trends in specific sectors of the local industries.

Western Client (confidential)

Business brokerage services: A client interested in acquiring a company in Eastern Europe without revealing its details.

Full List of Our Clients

Allen & Overy, American Chamber of Commerce, American Express, British Airways, City University, Deloitte & Touche, DENIM, DENIM-CZ, DCIT, DREVINA-DREVONA, eLanders, ESET, FIVE, HAIX (Germany), Hotel Crown Plaza Hotel Forum, Hotel Danube, Hotel Devin, ICT Istroconti, ItalloSuisse, ISG Executive Search, IILE, IPEC, ITEURO (Czech Republic), Johnson Wales University (Rhode Island, U.S.), Key6 Business Solutions, Mamaison, Mitsubishi Corporation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Office & Hotels Direct, Peterka & Partners, RadissonSAS Hotel Carlton, Rodl & Partners, Samsung Austria, Pfizer, SAP, Schill Dental, SkyEurope, Tacoma Consulting, The Slovak Spectator, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Slovak Republic, The U.S. Embassy in the Slovak Republic.