Bankomaty.sk with successful year
With www.bankomaty.sk we have helped over 150,000 people find ATMs closest to them (exact number is most likely much greater than twice this number since other organizations and apps use our data too). It feels great to keep helping people …
Slovakia in Figures 2017 is popular within business community
The popularity of the publication Slovakia in Figures continues to increase and a week after the 2017 issue was available we can already conclude that the revenues are already the highest in the history. This way, we’d like to thank …
Slovakia in Figures 2017 is available
ECENTER in cooperation with AmCham publishes Slovakia in Figures 2017 – one of the most popular publications promoting Slovakia in a concise way as an attractive location for doing business.
Bankomaty.sk is widely used also on Android
ECENTER continues providing information about your closest ATM in Slovakia through a completely free App (no advertising) on Android phones. You can download it here.
Pickle.sk continues with success
Pickle.sk achieved 88% growth in December compared to previous year.