Pavol Kopecny of ECENTER on TA3
Pavol Kopecny of ECENTER – in TA3 TV channel – presents how Slovakia can fight the crisis and potentially benefit from it. He represented ECENTER’s client – AZZZ. The video stream is available at: http://www.ta3.com/clanok/3366/nezavisli-do-velkej-politiky-podnikanie-politika-kriza.html
Ecenter will develop AmCham’s Strategic Plan
Ecenter was engaged by American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham) to develop its Strategic Plan for the years of 2013 – 2018.
Ecenter engaged to improve AmCham’s performance
Ecenter was engaged by American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (AmCham) to enhance its organizational performance.
Slovakia in Figures 2011 published
ECENTER in cooperation with AmCham published “Slovakia in Figures 2011”. This brochure promotes business opportunities in Slovakia and helps investors to decide on their investment destination.